John Michael Haye born November 8th1943. He died in his sleep April 27th.2001


His death was like a birth


As a young mother would about to deliver

This his very last day…a profound gush of energy.

Later I found the list in the desk drawer.

Strong slash marks crossing out all that he had done

“garden–rocks”, “pond –plants” “chair- paint red


The much put off-put to rest …house polished and bed linens fresh.


One week before:

Looking out our window.

We had witnessed a pair

Passionate spring vultures

Humping blissfully (Who knew vultures made love?)


Classic messengers of death……. yet curiously joyful.


His last night …a wonder,

A coming together of friends

All of us joined in celebration

With high spirits and much love.


Could we have planned a better fare-thee-well?


In his clean house on his clean sheets

He lay me down to sleep

I woke alarmed his dead body still warm,

sparkless and abandoned,


having given birth to his soul /his body spent/ now an empty shell