Applause. I hardly expected it. Well, I enjoyed reading smatterings and snippets from my Guide and I appreciated my audience of women and a few good men. Thanks you all.
This weekend I am going to Santa Fe to participate in the Transforming Shame Workshop and I ain’t ashamed to admit I have issues in this area. If only my mother had not dressed me in mismatched socks, sandals, not to forget weird outfits, I might have fit in better. Or was it something else about me that made the other kids yell bad words at me? Hmmmm.
I have discovered a wonderful new website by Bonnie Lee Black ( The WOW Factor (words of wisdom from wise older women) encompasses a very juicy assortment of interviews, stories and reviews. Bonne features women over the age of 70. She says she will interview me when I am 70. Just a few months to go-March 27, 2016, I will be seventy and proud of it.
Hoping to return next week with old wounds bathed in light and a happier outlook on life.
My very best,